North Carolina’s Weather

You’ve probably become familiar with North Carolina’s bipolar weather, sunny skies at 2 PM, then tornadoes at 3, am I right? Well today, we’ll be focusing on how our weather is like in our majestic tarheel state currently. NC is presently at the brute wintry weather and rain that is ravaging the rest of the country.

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The Corona Virus

Visitor do's and don'ts at the healthcare facility
This photo show the dos and don’ts to stay safe during the covid-19 outbreak.

The corona virus is a global pandemic that has just had an out break in the world and there are some things that people do wrong that you shouldn’t do. First off when people go out they don’t wear their mask right. Almost anytime i go anywhere someone won’t have a mask or they will wear it under their nose. Since Covid-19 is air-borne then you need to cover you nose because your nose leads to your lungs where the corona virus is released. So, the right way to wear a mask or face covering is to definitely wear it and wear it over you nose.

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