Is High School Challenging?

The transition from middle school to high school can be stressful for all teens. Academic expectations increase, and socializing and school activities become more important. Some of these expectations can create obstacles for kids with learning.

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Lions Facts

Diet, The lions diet consist of meat, Lions are carnivores meaning they only eat meat. Lions usually hunt and eat medium sized to large hoofed animals like wildebeest, Zebras, and Antelopes. They also will hunt bigger animals if they are sick or hurt making it a lot easier to take down the bigger opponent. Lions also eat smaller animals, as long as they have meat they will eat it.

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Why Common Core is Bad

Why is Common Core so bad for kids these days? I will tell you why. Common Core focuses way too much on attention skills. Education is supposed to be about passing down culture to a new generation. Education should be about learning new skills and about the world around us. When we use common core it is too time consuming to enjoy learning. You have to have a long attention span or you will be lost.

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There are many different viewpoints on homework. It provides many pros and cons to our educational lives. Some pro aspects include being able to practice what we learned outside of school. It can help us study or be more prepared for tests and quizzes. It can also contribute to bringing our grade up. Homework is very useful in these ways.

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On Friday September 18th Donald Trump States ‘Every American’ Will Have Coronavirus Vaccine By April

Coronavirus has now killed nearly 200,000 people in the US, but as scientists study the strings of the virus and start developing a vaccine, President Donald Trump says that we will have a vaccine in April. But even with this news experts warn us that, “Coronavirus vaccine won’t bring about ‘fairytale’ ending to the pandemic.”

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